Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Belated Christmas

Hello everyone!
Merry Belated Christmas!

Yepz. GOOD news for all, unless you're a slacker-

There isn't going to be Physics Online holiday assignment le. =)

See? It's Christmas, and that's your present. =))

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merry Christmas All.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


A Microsoft Paint God

Who needs photoshop when you can do this?
Brought to you by Shannon

Friday, December 01, 2006

goodbye ladies and gentlemen

leaving for e land of e rising sun tmr, tell me what you might need or want from there ASAP.
i'll TRY to smuggle a skyline in...


Thursday, November 30, 2006


Pictures taken in cls......



Weijin and his amazing hair!!

You-know-who!! XD


Lol.. Treasurer

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hey dudes!

Previously Mrs. Wong said that we needn't buy geography books for next year but there are geog textbks on our booklist.. So do we need to buy?

What to do with the booklist? The instructions damn complex and I duno what to do..



somehow I must have prayed real hard.
Cos I manage to find the card. =)
thank goodness.

so. it must be worthless as compared to a phone to be found, lols.


Anyway, please remember get the CD-Roms from me!
DId anyone of you load to see what's saved in it?
And the make sense of money de small cd also..

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

the typical singaporean society is...shall we say relatively dishonest...for example if you find a nice W810i(everybody seems to be gunning for this fella, not sure why) on the bus, only a select few would ever return it.... TBH i know its damned f**ked of me, but i would keep it. leave the SIM card, maybe.
And just imagine yourself if you were the culprit and you were handing the card over to you...2 words: THE SHAME.
Might sound bit stereotypical , but that's how it is, especially the nigh-on-impossible task of the person returning the spent out cashcard to you.
still, pray hard all the same...there's always a faint glimmer of hope out there....

you ever seen a more "dulan" picutre than this post it...=D
Who wanna pei ah mak buy textbooks on 13th December 2006=X Heh..


Monday, November 27, 2006

Paiseh, forgot to say write my name when I wrote that cashcard message.
I'm HuiYing larh.

And I think the person who replied misunderstood my message.
I wrote that even if the person used up the money inside I would still like the card back cos that card is NOT mine, not because I suspect someone took it.

Perhaps to that you, it's impossible for that person to return it to me, but duh, I'm imploring the impossible here, why else would I appeal for it to be returned?

And yes, Jian Wei and the girls who came on the first night already knew about it and they've already tried to find it. I'm just hoping that if they clean the chalet or something and they find it and it's given to you guys, you guys would know who to return it to.

SOrry if my message wasn't clearly phrased, and I just hope to get my card back, not training for debate competition here. =)

it's all very sad that you lost the cashcard, but of course we must clarify a few things:

Who are you?
We're out of the chalet, we can't look out for it.
If one of us took it, we would have enquired during the chalet, as i don't think we are that dishonest.
Even if it was stolen, and the $$$ was spent, are they ever going to return it to you?

So, you'll have to pray really hard...

someone organize cycling trip leh...

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Hey dude, I lost a cashcard of a cartoon picture similar to maple at the chalet, and if you see it, please return it to me.

If you're the one who took it and spent the money in it, still, return me the card.
I've got my reason for saying this, so please.

Friday, November 24, 2006


Guys, i lost my charger, so if you happen to find it anywhere, please return! Thanks guys. Im still hopeful, cause my phone cant do without a charger, the battery sucks ._.

post chalet

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

cls chalet

cls chalet

videos taken during chalet stay-flamethrower,coke"experiment"-haha

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

actually hor, 89 can go there 1 shot leh if not wrong. 27 need to change bus if my sources are correct?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

hello all.
as we knw chalet's tmr obviously.
mrs wong wont be coming .
yj msged mrs wong and the reply was as following.
: Sorry chums. Mrs Wong unable to come as she has a cataract operation(eye) tmr. My eyesight will be very blur after that; will need 2 weeks to adjust to normal sight again. Will remember you folks n your sounds of joy. Thanks for the invitation. Very thoughtful. :) Hehe

ok, thts the complete msg.
absolutely no changes(:
wishings for the sucessful op:D


if anyone wants to volunteer and help the organisers of the chalet
here's your chance
all you have to do is drop by to the bus stop with bus 27 outside compass point at 1pm sharp
we have a lot of things to carry and to prepare so please lend us your hands and show us support (:

So class chalet's tomorrow!:DD

Haha. Block G Unit 1712&1713!
BBQ will start at around 6pm?:D

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Hey dudes!
Mmm.. Bridging's over and yupx.
Anyway, main point and the only reason I'm here, is to tell you guys a piece of news, good or bad, you decide.

That.. Um.. Miss/Mrs Winnie right.. She left us presents and they are all with me but I left them in school, lol.. Yupx..

Don't worry, it's only a CD with different coloured covers for us. Quite nice.
Better than the bookmarks and miserable sweets and cheapO stationaries given out as prizes by....


amigos parasempre.

p.s.: I just finished half-blood prince.

Njoy holidays!

Monday, November 13, 2006

lil' niggles

just some media matters from media head...
if your phone matters more to you than water for survival, bring your charger along, so that every make of mobile phone will have re-juicing services.
i know andrew lim is bringing a PS2, who else is bringing? need at least 2... ;)

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Hi,Lj here, made a new blog http://lamesensei-.blogspot.com

flying off to Japan tonite, post any gift ideas/request on my blog. ^^
hey all. well first time posting on the class blog. everyone remember the beach outing? well here's some pics ^^

thinking hard? or otherwise? =/

jian wei looks like he's having fun playing with sand =/

^ well he looks trapped now o.o

well i think this pic above owns.

kay enough of the beach stuffs. random pics of the last day of school =]

studying hard? look at mak in the background. this is where picture discussion skillz are needed =D

seems like he's always sleeping. got this when winnie was ranting about stuffs.

^ well i'm sure u guys know who he is =]. These are pics taken when we were out lole.

look at him. DOESNT THAT LOOK LIKE A HAPPY MAN? spent 3 hours or so walking around with him. he certainly looks happy ;D

burst shot rules =]

i still have loads more though. maybe shall post it some time later =]

Saturday, November 11, 2006

hey all.
anw i met MR ANG tdy.
and i asked him like aww, mr ang!
ytd no cls picture!
he was like.
OH YA HOR. his face was quite sad, serious!
he rrly cares for our cls, and most prob he will come t the chalet.
but somebody has to tell him the details and all

thts al
hello all!

wallpaper thingy or whatever!
not very nice.
(i was bored so i messed around with the pic :O)

404 next year!
unbreakable still yea?

with much love
anngeeeeeee! (:

LKM Newstation

Southend 1 Manchester United 0
Disgrace for Man Utd fans!! Boo...

Anyone knows how to do??


Schools over, everyone got promoted to 4o4. Tough year for everyone of us, stressful, but its good to see that we've started to really bond together. Especially mrs wong, the ever so caring teacher, i'll remember her for life! Ha, im not lying. Since school's over, im gonna post some pictures of the class and the people inside. I'll display my whole collection for this year! LOL.



Mrs wong!




This is the guy above's essay. Its the first time in my whole life that i saw something like this!


Huijing, LOL.


Need i say who is this?

Lj was like this at first,

and like that after half an hour, ha.

Class potrait, tho im not inside.

Thats all people, take care!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Japan hater

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Need i say who I am?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Short post! Firstly, wanna thank mak, yiesing, ck for accompanying me to find my wallet, and weihong for sitting beside me and providing entertainment throughout the whole day. I've lost my wallet the third time in the year, and i still managed to find it, i guess i've to thank god! This somehow serves as a warning la, check your things every now and then, you will never expect to lose your valuables one, this is for sure. ( I speak with experience, LOL. )

Only the guys in our class knows this secret, i guess.

Now, for admin stuffs. Out of the 5dollars, 2dollars goes to class fund. This month, 164dollars collected is allocated to pay for worksheets, and i've passed sandra 30dollars for the el notes, and 58dollars for the photocopy lady, I've 76dollars left. This five motnh, i've collected a total of 615dollars for the chalet money. 390dollars goes to lj for the booking of chalet and the bbq pit, meaning to say i've 225dollars left. I've passed shirleen 170dollars for the bbq food, which means i'm now left with 55dollars. I've refund boon pin, yongwei, wenguang, terence, 7dollars each, and shangwei and tiangrong, 5dollars each. In total, i gave them 38dollars. I'm left with 17dollars. So previously, by adding up the 76dollars left, together with this 17dollars, im left with 93dollars.

Conclusion: Class fund has 93 dollars left. If i'm not wrong, there wont be enough money for the bbq food, as well as drinks supply for the 3 days there, therefore i might contribute there a little, and report later on.


So for now, from what i've heard, only teysiang, yapning, shangwei, tianrong, wenguang, yongwei, hwee yin, evelyn, are the people that is not going to be present. Thats all for now, some pictures for the day!


Vice chairman!

Lj a

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Ohayo, everyone!!
The link provided was so funny, because if you click on it, the windows media player window actually appears but then there's this weird voice saying duno what advertisement lah.. Then I keep pressing again and again, not knowing that all I had to do is to WAIT. Lolx.

So yeah, for those who haven't try but are going to, take note of it...

Hey, and below is a video I found on Youtube.com, featuring our exciting events in the past few years, done by Mdm Ida. It was entitled "Farewell to Xinmin"... Does anyone of you know if she's leaving? *sigh* Anyway, it's nice, and there're quite a few people you'd know who are featured inside, so enjoy~

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hey all, watch Sinking of Jap today. Pretty average movie, predictable and it has a weak story. The only thing i like about the movie was it's themesong. Put me into some sort of "inspired" state, makes me want to go to the sea and look at the sunset. lawl.

Heres the link if u want it : http://www.myfilehut.com/userfiles/56853/SunMin%20thanX%20Kubota%20-%20Keep%20Holding%20U.mp3

Right click save target as.
Edit: wait. u cant ohwell.

Jpop madness,

"tips" to gain popularity 1

Do not try to hit your "archnemesis" in front of your peers and public. It will make you even worse. Instead, reflect on your actions, as to what made you such a ****** to him.
Obviously this is hinting at someone.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The grudge 2 is PG!:D

Ohwell, anyhow, go try these games:
1. http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/thegrudge/site/flash/

2. http://www.grudge-two.com/game/grudge2_game.php?uid=amlist

The first is scary, don't say I never warn you beforehand.xP
The second is not too scary. Hees.
If you can't solve the second one, ask either shirleen or me!:DD
We solved it! Lol. More like shir is the one giving me all the answers-.-

Still, got try them!:DDDD


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Admin stuff.

Ok guys, got some stuffs to clear up. Basically, a total of 31 people has passed up the 10dollars. Meiqi ain't around, so she's exempted. Tianrong and shangwei are unable to go, so i've returned them 5dollar each. Meaning to say, at the end of the collection, i'll have 400dollars. After i've returned tianrong and shangwei, i'll have 390. It goes like this, the 390 collected from the past 3 months will go to the chalet booking fee, while another 190 will be used for the bbq. As for the bbq, i'll require a group of people to take charge of that, cause i personally dont want to, lol. After that, we'll be left with 200dollars. As for this 200, i'll leave it in the class fund for next year, and it'll most probably be used for our upcoming class tee or something, yet to verify, but most probably so as if i were to return each one of you, you'll prolly each get less than 50cents.

Ok, these are the people who has yet to submit the 10dollars.

Jia Qi
Myself lol.

Please submit to me next week during bridging, and meanwhile i think i've confirmed the date to be 22nd November to 24th November. Sorry for those who have cca on those days, im affected too, but i guess skipping one training or so wont kill, so if nothing's wrong with the date, i guess i'll book on saturday.

Lastly, i guess i've to say sorry to yapning, who paid the money, but cant go due to her overseas trip. Help me pass the dates around, thanks alot guys. One year of hard work, coming to an end soon! And i guess we're gonna watch sinking of japan together, thats kinda funny, cos the show seems a little retarded to me. Anyway, take care guys!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006



Wu La La

Hey everybuddy~


Monday, October 23, 2006

this web is so cool.
link frm the previous post by shannon.

