Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Since no one is updating, here I am with a dozen of photos!!

The first photo following this sentence.. Can you make out who he is? Does it look misleading? Haha... Just to commemorate today as St. John's day, haha.

Oh yah. Please do NOT crop off the words if you choose to rip the photos from here. Don't be so cheap- we have enough cheap things in the world already.

The next is Tey Siang, sabotaged at St. Margaret Secondary to represent our school. The man, by the way, is the duno-what-you-call-it people who deal with the terrorists.

The following were taken during the March holidays- can you guess what made her laugh that hard? It shouldn't be that hard..

And the following? It's funny how our AMaths lesson became a picture lesson.. Refer to whiteboard.

If you think our school's discipline pictures are funny.. haven't seen worse.

Another significant thing which took place?
...until she finds someone even better..? Kidding.
And you know what? Sometimes when we attend conferences, the most exhausted people are usually the ones who bring us there.

On a random note, spot an extremely far-fetched mistake in the following STomp post:
Next, our supposedly-interesting URA trip- the last we saw of Evelyn's long hair.
First stop: The superwoman does the talk..

..and the bird does it ALL.

Anyone knows how Jay Chou walks? Refer to below.

In URA- Funny Four acting cute.
Can you recognise them? LOL.

Now a better shot:
Class photo:

And the man in the limelight?

Can you identify the three guys below?

How about the following three?

And the following? That was the last we saw of his hair.

Some exploration..
Some slack..
See how ALAF can entertain Joshua.

And the last photo taken before we left the gallery- sorry ah, Yie Sing was supposed to be captured in the shot on the other side of Mr sWong.

Can others update too? LOL.

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